Monday, May 16, 2022

USA 2022!

 Greetings from Thailand! 

We are so happy to announce that we are heading to America THIS August 2022! We will be back for 3 months. By the time we come back, it will have been 3.5 years since we've touched American soil and seen most of of our family members. Since we left we've gained a new sister-in-law and two new nieces! 

We look forward to reconnecting with our families, sending churches and supporters. With our friends being spread out all over the USA, the short amount of time and homeschooling, we know it's not likely that we can see everyone. But we truly wish we could see all of you! 

We feel we have been patient in our waiting to come back, but now seems to be the most opportune time. Thailand has been a difficult country to enter back into with all of its requirements (especially financial requirements) revolving around Covid. It seems that by the time we return, the requirements should be significantly less than what they have been. That being said, coming to the States is a huge financial burden for us. We need to raise about $9,500.00 for our return. Would you ask the Lord if He's leading you to help cover these funds? Your donations will help towards our airfare, rent, car rental/insurance, travel/lodging within the country, visa exit stamps, etc. We are hoping to find a couple to sublet our house while we are gone, but our rent in Thailand is pretty low so it wouldn't cover much. 

We thank you for your continued care, support and prayers for us as we've carried on here the last 8 years. 

Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel! 

In Christ, Jason, Jenn, Moriah, Isobel & Titus

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