Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Titus Byers' Birth Announcement (January 31, 2018)

"My mouth will tell of your righteous acts,
    of your deeds of salvation all the day, for their number is past my knowledge." Psalm 71:15 ESV

Born on January 31, 2018 in Chiang Mai, Thailand. 5 pounds, 9.5 ounces and 18.5 inches long (2640 grams, 48 cm long)

We are so thankful for a SAFE arrival after a bit of an emergency. At 35 weeks, 6 days pregnant, we sat down on the floor of our hotel room to eat our ordered in Mexican food.  Jenn then started hemorrhaging badly. Placenta previa had reared its ugly head like we had feared.  We left quickly and with the help of an American midwife, our doctor met us at the door of the hospital! Friends from our language school days happened to be in town and picked up the girls. God was so good to us. This was our first C-section due to the placenta previa AND the baby being transverse (AND the cord was around his neck).  In less than two hours from when we left the hotel, Titus was born. Our doctor, Dr. Supreeya was fabulous.  She's a well-known Christian doctor that has delivered many missionaries' babies. Jenn was really weak but is doing a lot better. Titus is still having trouble breathing and his doctor said he'll be in the hospital many days. He is making improvements so we are thankful!

If you're wondering if Titus has Thai/American dual citizenship...no, sadly he does not. Rules have changed in Thailand so being born here does not give you
automatic citizenship. He will have a Thai birth certificate though like his sister Isobel!

Titus' Early Journey "We were told that he died..."
The journey we have been on with Titus has been nothing short of a miraculous one and a roller coaster!

Last summer, about July, we were early on in the pregnancy, and we were told by two doctors in Isaan (over a span of 2.5 weeks) that Titus had died. We thought this was our 2nd miscarriage of the 2017 year (and third miscarriage in Thailand total).  We were strongly encouraged to have a D&C and felt because of where we live (medical care not ideal) and based on the experience we've had with miscarriage in the past, we felt a D&C in Chiang Mai was the best option.  We flew up to Chiang Mai to have a D&C performed when...
...the doctor in Chiang Mai found a heart beat...a living baby! 

In shock and somewhat disbelief, the next day we saw a 2nd doctor (the one who delivered Isobel) who again confirmed that this baby was alive!   Since our ultrasound two days prior in Isaan,  Titus was measuring significantly bigger (maybe double in size) and measuring right on schedule. The doctor still had some concerns though because of fluid he was seeing in the ultrasound. This sounded similar to our last miscarriage. We stayed in Chiang Mai and Jenn was on partial bed rest for a time and taking medicine. By 10 weeks pregnant, the fluid was minimal, we were in the clear, and headed back to Isaan! This pregnancy has had the most minimal morning sickness compared to all of Jenn's other pregnancies.

We had many friends praying for Titus when we went to Chiang Mai for the D&C. Some friends were praying for the miraculous to happen. Whether both doctors' ultrasound machines in Isaan were wrong or if the Lord brought Titus back to life we might never know, but his life was certainly spared!

This verse has been especially meaningful to us in regard to the life that Titus has been given:

"My mouth will tell of your righteous acts,
    of your deeds of salvation all the day,  for their number is past my knowledge." (Psalm 71:15 ESV)

We will never know how many times that the Lord has saved us!

We are so grateful to Him and thank you for supporting us and rejoicing with us in this new life !

With love,
Jason, Jenn, Moriah, Isobel & Titus Byers

End of Year Newsletter 2017

Seasons Greetings to our Family & Friends,

1 year has passed since we arrived back in Thailand and we have hit 4 years since we left the US for the field. October 28, 2017 marks a special day for us as we celebrate 10 years of marriage!

Reflecting on these last 10 years: Before we married, we committed to coming to Thailand. We had both been called to overseas mission work and thought we would land in South America. After a study abroad in a rural village in NE Thailand, Jenn felt God leading her back. Jason later felt the Lord changing his desires as well. This calling affected where we would spend our honeymoon, our continued university studies, our jobs, our missions organization choice, our community, choice of furniture, etc. Everything was in preparation for the field.

At 5 ½ years married, our dreams were realized and we headed out with our 2 year old daughter to Thailand. There would be a lot of language, food, and cultural adjustments that we would need to adapt to. We have been blessed by another daughter born on the field and new friends (both Thai and missionary) all over the country. Even with these great blessings, the road has often been difficult and lonely. We can greatly miss things that used to be so commonplace, like watching football, being with our families during the holidays, our home/English speaking church, or going to baby/bridal showers.

We have found that it is only the Lord that sustains our pressing on. He who has called us and has been faithful to provide for every need and gives us the vision and hope to continue on. The Lord has used many of YOU through our dating and marriage years (and many before then). You have supported us in

your friendship, godly counsel, and support. So we THANK YOU for making these 10+ years AMAZING!

Ministry in Northeast Thailand (Isaan): As many of you know, we are sent out by a mission organization called “Commission to Every Nation” (CTEN) and we partner with an organization in Thailand called “The Family Connection Foundation” (FCF). FCF is a Christian social foundation based in Chiang Mai. This year we joined FCF’s team in Kalasin, Thailand (a province in the NE of Thailand). After setting up a house in Kalasin City in May, Jason has been interning with a Thai/Isaan pastor. This pastor has mentored Jason and they go out visiting people from the community. Pastor Chalong has allowed Jason to preach every other weekend at the church. This has been REAL language study practice and we’ve greatly benefited from being part of an Isaan church. As we have a social visa, Jason’s received some of his hours from teaching English to the youth both at the church and in a juvenile delinquent holding center in the city. We have been exploring new areas of potential ministry around the city and meeting with local Christian contacts. We’ve also been exploring an unreached district 35 minutes from our home. The district has no known churches and no known Christians. After our return from Chiang Mai next year in mid-March (see below), we plan to begin our focus either on city ministries or in a rural district. Please pray for us as we prayerfully search out these areas.

Ministry partners/End of Year Giving: We continue to rely on the support of God’s people to continue our work in Thailand. We praise the Lord for a very solid base of supporters. At this time we are only looking to fulfill the approximate 10% that’s lacking in our overall support for the remainder of this term. If the Lord calls you to give, there is a giving card provided with the envelope. If you want your gifts to get in before the year’s end, the envelope must be postmarked by December 31st and online gifts must be given by December 31st.

Family update: Our oldest Moriah is now 6 years old and is in the 1st grade. Jenn is her homeschool teacher. She LOVES swimming, mermaids, and playing with friends. Isobel is 2 and a VERY BUSY 2 year old at that! She loves to run, sing, and play with Legos. In mid-February, our family will make the 13 hour drive to Chiang Mai to deliver our baby-on-the-way! We’re very excited for this new addition to our family.

Blessings on you and your loved ones!

-Jason, Jenn, Moriah & Isobel