Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Seasons Greetings (December 2018 End of Year letter)

Seasons Greetings to our Family & Friends,

We have been Stateside almost 3 months and it has been great to be back in Jenn and I’s “home” culture. Communicating in English, hearing English sermons, Sunday school, nursery, Walmart… these are the things we used to take for granted! We are so grateful to have this time with family, especially during the holidays. It’s been 5 years since we’ve celebrated Thanksgiving or Christmas in the States, making them “firsts” for both Titus AND Isobel!

A little recap of our family’s time here: We have been staying with friends in Ephraim, Utah, the town of our sending church, Ephraim Church of the Bible. Our friends have really taken care of us! We were also able to borrow family cars during our time in Utah and California. Our girls were able to take a dance class each and perform in the Christmas recital, they were beyond excited. We spent Thanksgiving with Jenn’s parents in Palm Desert and then a few weeks with Jenn’s brother’s family in Orange County. We were able to spend some quality time with Jenn’s grandmother Ethel (age 93) and great aunts. As many of you heard, Titus developed pneumonia in the month of October so sadly it has limited our time visiting with supporters. But praise God, he is doing well now! We will be spending Christmas this year with the Byers clan in Park City, Utah and we are hoping for a very snowy Christmas.

It has been really good for us to be with the Body of believers over here. By the end of our Stateside time we will have shared at 6 churches in Utah and we’ve been very encouraged.

In 3 weeks we will make the big trip “over the pond” and start our 3rd term in Thailand. My prayer during our time in the States has been for more people to commit to praying for the Isaan peoples. We want to see more disciples! Would you consider praying for them regularly?

As we are preparing our hearts to say good-bye to family and friends I am reminded of how blessed we are to have such great support here in America and how blessed we are to be in missions. We want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all of our financial supporters and those that have carried us in prayer.

Blessings on you and your loved ones!
Jason, Jenn, Moriah, Isobel and Titus

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