Monday, August 27, 2018

July 2018 update

Dear Friends,

Greetings from beautiful and humid Thailand. We hope you are well and that you find encouragement and joy as you read and pray through this newsletter.

This summer we are starting a new phase of ministry. What this new phase will look like: 1. Youth ministry at Bethlehem church. 2. College ministry. 3. Prison ministry and the youth detention center.

Youth Ministry
The internship at Bethlehem Church is complete, but we will continue to serve this church as youth pastors. We are thankful for this opportunity and are excited to be able to serve a rural Isaan church.

College Ministry
Yes, college ministry! We are embarking on a new adventure. We will launch June 18 with a local team. Our team consists of the Byers fam, Jordan, and Nung and his wife Sarah (both are Isaan). There is no outreach going on with students, so we thought we would give it a go! We will try to engage the students through sports and English teaching. The hope is that the believing students will bring their faith back home with them. This is a great way to reach the many villages in Kalasin with the Gospel.

Prison Ministry/Youth Detention Center
Jay and Nung plan to start leading Bible study/church planting within the prison. This has been on Jay's heart and in his prayers for the last 2 years.

Jay has been teaching English once a week with a local pastor at the youth detention center. It is always good to be near these young men. A lot of them come from very rural districts that have no church and it is very likely Montrii (pastor) and Jay are some of the first Christians that they have ever seen or interacted with. May Christ be glorified.

1. That our family will continually find our rest and joy in the presence of Christ.
2. Youth at church. These young kids come from hard family situations. Pray for open doors for ministry among their care takers. 
3. The Spirit of God would convert students at the college. These students come from all over this unreached area. May the Lord open blind eyes and set the captives free.
4. Wisdom and boldness to preach to the ones who are detained in prison.
5. All of Kalasin. That the gospel would be spread far and wide in this province and that the local believers would find their strength and joy in His love.

Thank you my brothers and sisters. Let’s reach the Isaan!


-Jason & Jenn Byers


Overall the family is doing well. We have been blessed by the presence and help of Jenn's younger sister, Jordan or as some of the Thais call her, "Saay Jai.” The locals love her! She has been with us for the last four months helping with the kids, assisting Jay in English teaching and learning some Thai. She is an irreplaceable teammate!

Moriah is about to start 2nd grade and is improving and developing in her studies. Isobel is spending a lot of time with Jordan and learning her ABC sounds, counting and shapes. Titus is kind of a mama's boy and is a really happy baby. Jenn is busy with being a homeschool mom and overseeing the kids' educational needs. She is gradually starting to study some of the local dialect. All I can say is, “Watch out Isaan, her she comes!”

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