Tuesday, April 4, 2017

March 2017 update - A Season for All Things - Mission, Moving & Miscarriage

Dear Friends, Family, and Church Partners,

Our time in Chiang Mai is coming to a close. The beginning of May we will be moving back to our long-term location in Kalasin. We are thankful for the transition time we have had here, but we are ready to move on and join our team in the project “Revive Isaan.” More to come!

Life/Ministry in Chiang Mai
We are continuing to meet with the girls who are a part of the FCF youth program. Jay is spending a lot of time studying Thai language and Biblical counseling. Jenn spends her time homeschooling Moriah, chasing Isobel, and continues to study Thai.

Rodney (our pastor in Utah) and two of his daughters (Jessica and Abby) were able to visit us in December. We traveled together out to Isaan and they were able to meet our old friends and experience what life is like there. Rodney was also able to lead a study for a group of our friends/missionaries. We were blessed to have them with us!

The beginning of March I received a call from a friend in Kalasin saying he found a suitable house for us in Kalasin. So, we decided to buy plane tickets for the next weekend to check it out. WE SIGNED A CONTRACT! We are thankful to have a home to move in to when we get there.

Off to LAOS
Jenn’s mom will be visiting us in April (she will arrive the day before Jenn’s birthday on April 8th😉). Later that month we will travel together to Laos for visa renewals. Please pray that our 1 year Thai visas will be granted. 

Graduation & Health
Yes, little Moriah is a Kindergarten graduate. She graduated from her bilingual school in mid-March and is now doing full time home school with her highly acclaimed teacher, Mom. Since there are many interruptions in her schooling, we do “year round” schooling as we can’t follow the US or Thai school year. Recently Moriah was hospitalized for severe stomach pain, this mainly happens to her at night. Please pray we can find the cause.

I am sure you have probably heard that we miscarried in February. This is our second miscarriage in Thailand, the last one 3 years ago. It is never easy, but we are walking through it well, and casting our gaze on a God who never leaves.

Please pray for us during our move. Sometimes the thought of moving cross country brings overwhelming feelings. Never easy in a foreign country dealing with a second language and HIGH HEAT! For Moriah, leaving another “house” that she has become comfortable in is difficult, even though she has friends in Kalasin. Please pray that these feelings will be eased by a thankfulness that transcends the present situations.

Thank you for your prayers for the Thai people, our family, and the sacrificial gifts given to keep us on the field.


-Jason & Jenn Byers

Moriah & Isobel Update
Moriah Moriah’s favorite activities are riding her bike and swimming (and she lives in the perfect country for it!). Her favorite things are mermaids, fairies, and playing with her sister.

Isobel- Isobel is very curly and has a growing vocabulary. People comment that she is BUSY, and we agree. She loves her stuffed cow and her sister’s teddy bear. She loves playing with the hose outside so she can “wash” the plants and herself.

-Moriah’s Health- Please pray we can find the cause of Moriah’s stomach pain.

-Finances- Please pray for funds to replenish our medical account (we have had a lot happen this year!) and that we will have enough funds to get our new house set up properly

-Visas- Please pray that we will be granted our 1 year Thai visas without a problem in Laos

-Praise for His FAITHFULNESS in Support – We are thankful for the monthly support that has come in and one-time gifts.


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