Friday, February 12, 2016

December Christmas Newsletter

Christmas Greetings from Thailand,

“Yay! Christmas is almost here,” is what I keep hearing from Moriah and Jenn almost daily. Our family’s excitement for the Christmas season lasts 365 days a year. Seriously, we love Christmas. I hope you enjoy this year’s “Byers’ Christmas letter” and I pray it will cause you to be grateful for what God has done and is doing in the world. 

I think we can all agree that we live in a changing world; from the way we communicate with one another, to the rise and fall of political powers and the shifting economies. The effect of globalization and the digital revolution has made its mark around the globe. Whether we like it or not, things change. Whatever emotions this reality causes you, there is one change that brings joy and praise: this is the growth of the global church of our Lord Jesus. During this season, let’s not only celebrate the coming of the Savior over 2,000 years ago, but also celebrate how the Lord is birthing himself in lives and in nations around the world.

No longer in missions is it only the west going east, but now it’s everywhere going everywhere. The Boomer generation (born around 1946-64) is really the generation that can truly stand amazed at how and where the Lord has built his church. Can you believe?! The land of the Khmer Rouge (Cambodia) is seeing church planting movements. 

Have you heard?! The children of the Laotian and Vietnamese refugees are today’s modern day missionaries, bringing the gospel of reconciliation to their parents’ home countries. Did you know?! The Mongolian church is growing and the country now allows Christians to come in and freely proclaim new life in Christ. South Korea now stands as the number one sending country for missionaries in the world. In the modern day mission movement we can honestly say, all nations are working together to reach all nations. This is truly something to celebrate!

I hope this Christmas season you and your families find the joy in knowing Him as Savior and Lord, and also pause and reflect on how He today is working in the local and global church and using people like you and me to build His kingdom.  We also thank you for supporting our family and your prayers for us, the body of believers in Sahatsakhan district and for the Isaan people.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from our family to yours!

-Jason, Jenn, Moriah & Isobel Byers            


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