Tuesday, August 3, 2021

August 2021 Rainy Season Update

Greetings from RAINY Thailand! 

Dearest Family and Friends, We are now entering our 8th year in Thailand and granted a 1 year visa with the new foundation (The Way)! Some of you have partnered with us since the beginning and some have come along the way. We always had long-term missions in mind but it is through your support, prayers, and the Lord's sustaining grace that we have stayed on. Thank you for joining our family, we very much miss you! 

Family News... International School...here we come! When we moved to Chiang Rai, our desire was that our children would have friends they could see on are regular basis and that they would attend the international school. The Lord has provided them many friends...and just yesterday we received the news that now BOTH of the girls have been accepted into the school. (See crics.asia to view the school, called Chiang Rai International Christian School). Though a huge blessing, this is a huge SHOCK to us as we had not been accepted originally back in April and therefore didn't fundraise for their tuition. This is a pretty large jump in support for our family. Jenn will be volunteering at the school one day a week (lowers the tuition some), but the amount we have to raise is still significant. Will you join with us in praying for the funds to come in? If you specifically feel led to give, a giving card is provided or you can give online (www.cten.org/jasonbyers). 

Next US furlough/home assignment? Currently, it is still very difficult to get back into Thailand if we visited the States. Next tentative visit will be Summer 2022. We want to see you all IN PERSON!

Ministry Update Good Soil Community Center/ Covid/ Counseling Work + Lahu Trainings update (from Jason) 

I continue to volunteer at Good Soil Community Center (a project that is under the Way foundation) and work alongside the team as an English teacher. Jenn and the kids join when they can. The Covid situation here in Thailand is the worst that it's been. Rules and regulations are constantly changing, with the center closing and reopening several times. This can prove challenging to minister to the community that is very fearful. The team has been continuing to visit parents of some of the children, elderly, and the sick. This visitation has proven to be fruitful for the team. I am getting to know the guys at the Way Foundation (the new foundation we work under). Some of them have a heart for ministering to those stuck in addictive habits. Many have loved ones that have been caught in ongoing cycles of addiction for decades and have felt the grave effects. It is a privilege to come alongside these young men to encourage the process of forgiveness and healing. One young man in his early twenties, whose father has been struggling with meth and opioids for years, stated, “I have never been hugged by my father.” The emotional pain and cognitive confusion that takes place when the ordained protector of the house is physically present, but affectionately distant—rarely does that not leave deep cuts to the ones who yearned for his love. The young man continued by saying, “I want to help my dad. I think the drugs will kill him soon.” There is a young generation who have been affected by the drug pandemic here in Southeast Asia but have a desire to change it. It seems like the time for addiction counseling in the local Thai church is ripe. Join us in praying for the captives to be set free! I will soon be joining The Way's PET (Pastor, Evangelist, Trainers) project. This team provides monthly Biblical training for Lahu pastors and evangelists. I will be sharing at these trainings starting on August 2. Amid this Jason is continuing part-time with his Master’s degree work in Pastoral Counseling (Addictions and Recovery) and still hoping to be finished in 2022. 

Blessings, Jason, Jenn, Moriah, Isobel & Titus

Prayer Requests 

1. Funds for the school year and overall yearly support (we are roughly at 55% of our budgeted support) 2. Ministry for addiction work would continue to grow and more materials for counseling will be produced in the Thai language. 3. The Holy Spirit would work in mighty ways during the PET trainings. 4. Strength to finish Masters classes.