Monday, September 15, 2008


Hello friends and family!

It's been a long time since we've posted an update, so here is a quick update!

We've really settled into our Missouri home. I (Jenn) was not so enthused about the idea of living out in the middle of nowhere back in January, especially living in an old farmhouse.'s grown on me! It's absolutely beautiful and peaceful. The air is pretty chilly now and it won't be long until (freezing!) winter.

East side of the house

I started teaching August 11th and the last 2 1/2 months have flown by! I never knew how fast paced and busy the life of a teacher really is. I feel like I'm running from 7:45am-3:00, only still to have massive amounts of work left to do! On the positive side, I'm really gaining the respect of the kids, even the tougher ones. I pray for opportunities to share Christ with them. I have kids from kindergarten all the way to seniors in high school, and I usually enjoy all of them! I'm really loving getting back into Spanish again. I've been passionate about the language ever since my parents put a Spanish picture dictionary in my hands as early as Kindergarten.

Jason says: "I am going to school and working." He is a man of few words. Since his wife is not, he is very much enjoying his classes and spends a lot of time studying Hebrew. His favorite class currently is History of Christianity. He is still working at the boys' home and he says quote "I like it a lot."

We are looking forward to the fast approaching holidays coming up. We will be in California with the Gundersons for Thanksgiving and with the Byers for Christmas. We can't wait to see family! We're also very excited to meet our now almost 5 month old nephew Ayden in Utah.

Speaking of family, we've had a few family visitors in the last few months! Justin (my brother) moved to Springfield in is it nice having him close by! My dad helped him move out and we had a fun weekend together. Then the next weekened, Andy (Jason's brother) came down from his school in Iowa to hang out with us. Having family visit (and live here) is awesome!

Miss you all. You are more than welcome to come visit anytime!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Financial Peace

Jenn says: We’ve been in Mexico for two weeks, and the time here, spiritually for me has been unreal. I have had a lot of time to reflect, and have found some of my attitudes and perspectives less than Christian.
I am the worrier of the relationship, especially when it comes to finances. I’ve monitored our finances and worked on our budget several times since we’ve been married. We’ve talked a lot about having faith that God will provide, but have I really had faith? I have often wrongly measured my faith in God taking care of us according to my own ability to strategize (i.e., come up with a good budget). Really, I’m trusting in my own ability and effort. In the midst of that supposed “faith,” blessing others with money when the Holy Spirit is prompting has been ultimately cut out. “Not now,” I’ve murmured God, “once I start getting paid more and Jason is out of school, then we can give. We’ll do fine as long as we don’t give anything
away.” And these words are being murmured by someone driven by missions! My thinking has been so wrong! I’ve been greatly mistaken.

I have been reminded now that the Christian life is not about me, it is about God. Our money is ultimately His. I cannot get caught up in the American Dream, as the Christian mentality looks drastically different than that. As we live in a country of great wealth and potential for success, many American Christians (me included) don’t like to hear that. We can budget, be cautious, get out of debt, and save wisely what God has given us…but when God calls us to give it away, we gladly and faithfully give it. It’s not 10%, it’s 100%. Jason said that to me once when we were dating, and he made me really mad…but he was right! God is our Provider. His blessings are abundant. With our own money, I am finally resting in the fact that I can really trust Him for the money coming in and the freedom to bless others. What a stress reliever! These verses blessed my heart today and brought me to peace:

“There is one who scatters, and yet increases all the more.
And there is one who withholds what is justly due, and yet it results only in want.
The generous man will be prosperous, and he who waters will himself be watered.
He who trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will flourish like the green leaf.” Psalms 11: 24, 25, & 28

Jesus’ words: “Sell your possessions and give to charity; make yourselves money belts which do not wear out, an unfailing treasure in heaven where no thief comes near or moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Luke 12:33-34

Some others that have come to mind:
“Each one of you must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:33-34

Thursday, July 3, 2008

La Misión, Mexico

We are spending this month in La Misión, Mexico at Door of Faith Orphanage. To see our updates, please go to our missions blog:

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Our Grandmothers

We just found out that my (Jenn) Grandma Ethel has breast cancer. Jason's Grandma Byers has been suffering from breast cancer as well. Please keep them in your prayers!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Nephew Ayden Mickal

We have a baby nephew! He was born on June 13 to parents Jeanda (Jason's sister) and husband Mike Kinsinger. This is my (Jenn) first nephew and Jason's also! We are so excited! We will be meeting him this Christmas in Park City, Utah.

Our little Cal

(June 8, 2008)
Hello from Bolivar, Missouri!
I (Jenn) don't like being new at things, like blogging. But I am giving it a shot.
My dad called today and informed us that our little Callie Gunderson, our little dog, is being put to sleep today. Callie and I were never the best of friends, she knew it and I knew it. Oddly enough, I was the one who named her. Secretly though, when no one else was home, her and I would hang out, I would even let her into my room! Nonetheless she was our first family dog. She was part of the family. She is in every album of pictures. One of my favorite memories is during Christmas, we'd put a bow on her head and watch and see how long it would be until she tore it off! I always thought Cal was cute, but was often afraid of her biting me. This is a sad day, another saying good-bye to childhood. I will never forget Callie's greeting when I would come home from being away at college or wherever. Rather than running up to lick me, she would take 1 look at me and run in the other direction :) I will miss you Callie!